The "Babysnakes"

Transmission Line -- Apple 1710AV speakers

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When my Apple 1710AV monitor died for a third time* I chucked the top and kept the bottom. Two nice little full range drivers were salvaged from a bass reflex chamber roughly the size and shape of a cow's heart. These were incorporated into my first project…

As I am completely inept with woodworking I was greatly attracted to the idea of using pipe by the
Toobz and Pipitone's Periscopes.

I started with a 4" x 1.5" ABS pipe adapter, which, when fitted with a particle board baffle inserted into the open big end became a pre-chamber. Various lengths of 1.5" elbows and pipe made an adaptable T-line. The sound was remarkable for it's transparency; but no amount of line tuning could make those little 3in. drivers generate anything below the mid range. I was very encouraged and wanted More.

* (the 1710 monitors was Apple's 1st attempt to very tightly integrate software on the monitor to a remote control panel on the mac -- they never did get the bugs out and this line of monitors)

[ Rob's Pipes | Babysnakes | Bulls-eye | Boomtube | Droop | Drivers | Glossary ]